39 Gifts for Girls ages 6-7: The Ultimate Gift Guide

Gifts for Girls

In this post you will have the ultimate gifts for girls guide for 6-7 year old girls. These are great ideas for birthday and Christmas gifts for your own child or gifts for friends b-day party.

Gifts for Girls (or just kids)

Before having kids, I thought shopping for kids was super easy. You just get them a toy, they’ll be happy. While that is true, it’s hard to find a good toy that they will continue to play with beyond the 5 seconds after opening.

My philosophy is that if I’m going to spend money on a toy, it better be worth it. Meaning: they better play with it for more than 15 minutes. Unless that gift is from the dollar store, than they can pick whatever they want. #wehavewaytoomanydollarstoretoys

Toys can be sooooo expensive, and when you’re buying for 12 friend’s birthday parties a year plus your 2-3 kids (possibly more), it can really add up.

I’m always looking for good gift ideas for my kids. Luckily, my daughter is old enough now to write out a list for me. She’s turning 7 this year, in August, and she’s already given me her birthday list. (it’s March).

I love her enthusiasm and optimistic personality!

I decided to share with you what she shared with me, and what she gave me last year. As well as what her friends want/wanted. So, if you need gifts for a 6-7 year old girl, chances are they’ll love something from this list.

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Gifts for 6-7 year old girls: The Ultimate Gift Guide


This is a great age for a bike. My daughter loves her bike and she has been practicing without training wheels.  I thought this bike was cool because it has a little seat on the back for a doll. It also comes in different sizes. It includes a size chart depending on how tall your child is. My 6 year old has an 18 inch that works well for her, but she is also very tall for her age.

I don’t like to spend too much money on bikes because they out grow them and a fancy one is just as good as a cheap one.


These are the new craze. The water beads. They’re pretty cool. My daughter got some bead craft sets for her birthday last year and loved them. Then we lost most of them, haha. But they are a fun activity to do together, and learning some hand eye coordination. There are also the fuse beads, and then just beads you can make bracelets and necklaces with.


This wouldn’t be a complete list if we didn’t get the LOL’s on here. These are still very popular and fun. This is the first thing my daughter wants to get her friends. However, they can be pretty pricey. We usually stick with the medium size.

My daughter asked for the LOL house this year. Oh my!

Light up board

My daughter recently got this for Christmas and she loves it. If you daughter loves art, this is a great gift!

Markers, Colored pencils, Crayons

A great accessory to a light-up board is more colored pencils. I think my daughter puts markers and crayons on her list every time she makes me list. Crayons only last so long in our house, and if they get “old’, my daughter doesn’t want to use them anymore. haha.

Getting a coloring kit is great because it includes all of the above, will hopefully last longer, and you can teach them how to take care of it. (Just make sure the markers are washable)

If you’re looking for cheap crayons, markers, or colored pencils, you can always check out the dollar store. They’re cheap, but then you don’t have to stress about replacing them.

Scratch pages

These are fun. I like to use these as well, and they’re relatively inexpensive. You can buy them in plain sheets of scratch paper form, and they come with scratch sticks. Or you can also buy it in an activity book form, which looks like a lot of fun.


Hatchimals are fun like LOLs, but a little less pricey. They come in mini collectibleversions (the cheapest), a carton of 12, or just one normal sized one.

Sports equipment

Our daughter is really into basketball right now, if your daughter is also into a sport, its a good idea to give them an accessory to that sport. Plus, it shows support.

Polly Pocket

Polly pocket, or something of the like is a great gift. They love playing house at this age, and something compact is even more fun. My daughter also got a car from Shopkins last year, and it came with little accessories. She loved it.

Barbies and accessories

Barbies are also big at this age. My daughter loves changing the clothes, and barbie clothes are pretty cheap. You can get a set with barbie doing just about anything: animal rescuer, travel barbie, treehouse barbie, camper barbie. You name it, they got it. This past year my daughter asked for bike barbie.

And don’t forget barbie’s dream house. 🙂


If your daughter loves to sing, this is the gift. I have been wanting to get our daughter a karaoke machine for a while, but just haven’t found the right time. I think this is always a great gift. They have different kids now. The regular box one and it hooks up to bluetooth, which is awesome. They also just have microphone ones that are bluetooth.

Lego Friends

Kids love legos! And I feel like they are really getting into the Legos at this age. They are able to do more with them. The LEGO Friends were designed specifically with girls in mind, so its the perfect gifts for girls. They come with little dolls that are a little more life like than the Lego people. Just like Barbie, there are a ton of themed ones out there.

Dress Up Gifts for Girls

They might be 6 or 7, but they still love playing dress up. My daughter asked for make up this year. She loves doing my make up. You can get play cosmetic, easy, and washable make up for girls. You could also add in a princess costume to complete the look.
Jewelry or Jewelry Box

A cute necklace or bracelet is really fun. A cute necklace with their name or their favorite character. Or this could also be paired with the beads and a jewelry box.

Board games or Card Games

My daughter is very into games right now. Some of her favorites are Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Skipbo, Uno, Hoot Owl Hoot, Click Clack Lumber Jack or Guess Who. I’ve had my eye on the Floor is Lava game. Kids play that anyway, so making a game out of it is fun!


Whatever movies are popular, or they really want to see is a good gift. My daughter really loves Frozen 2 this year.


I am hesitant to put this one in because I know I don’t want slime all over my house. I don’t know that it’s a good gift idea for another persons kid, haha, but if you don’t mind, it’s great for you! If you don’t want to buy it, you could also make it! 


Kids love tents! There are some pretty awesome ones out there, and you could even make one, if you’re feeling ambitious.

Sticker books

My daughter loves, loves, loves sticker books. Heck, I love sticker books. She’s had a few, but her favorite one was the paint by sticker with animals. She completed the WHOLE book. She worked on it everyday. She just loved it! It’s a good challenging. My sister also got her an National geographic one that she liked. You can find them almost anywhere.


Puzzles are hit and miss with kids. Some kids love them, and others hate them. Mine loves them. You can get puzzles from the dollar store, which is where we usually get ours. The pieces always end up getting lost, and it makes me feel good knowing I only spent a dollar. However, there are a lot of learning puzzles, and big mat/foam puzzles out there that are great for kids (and easier to keep track of)!

I hope you found these gifts for 6-7 year old girls useful. What would you add to the list?

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39 Gifts for Girls ages 6-7_ The Ultimate Gift Guide (1)