Easter Bunny Peep Craft for Kids with FREE Template

Create a fun and fast craft with your little ones with this simple Easter Bunny Peep craft.

Easter Bunny Peep Craft (1)-min

Peep Craft

Who loves peeps? NOT ME! My dad LOVES them. I can stomach one, but I don’t want to waste my calories on it! I’m also not a huge fan of just popping a marshmallow in my mouth. Now, if it’s burnt, then yes! I also love melted marshmallows in stuff. But a plain marshmallow coated in extra sugar? No thank you!

I do think that peeps are cute though. They make great crafts, decorations, and gifts. This peep craft is no different. This is a super simple craft you can do almost anywhere and any time with what you have on hand. It’s simple enough for toddlers and young kids. It can be a messy one, but where’s the fun in no mess?

If you prep with laying down newspaper and wearing aprons, the clean up should not be bad!

All you need is some paints, paper, and the peep template! That’s it!

Here’s how we did it.

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Easter Bunny Peep Craft for Kids


Paper (you can use construction paper or any paper you have on hand)
Paint brush or sponge brush (I think the sponge brushes work a little better, and they are super cheap)
Peep Template (download below)


Start by cutting out your peep template. If you don’t have a printer, you can draw your own peep, or try to trace one off your computer. (It doesn’t have to be perfect, the kids don’t care) You can either prep this, or you can have the kids do the cutting.

Peeps paint craft for Kids-min

Then lightly glue the peep onto a piece of paper. Like one dot of paint, you want to be able to take it off later.

Use your paint to paint a bunch of different colors around the peep. However you’d like.

Paint Craft for Easter-min

Bunny Paint Outline-min

Take the peep off!

Peep Paint Craft-min

Now you have this awesome outline of a peep.

What can you do next?

Be creative with your peep. You can:

  • Write Happy Easter in the center and hang it up!
  • Cut out your peep leaving just enough extra room to see the colors pop!
  • Give your peep as a card or attached to a gift.
  • Make a bunch of little peeps in different colors to hang around your house!

Easter Bunny Paint Craft-min

Happy Easter! Look for my other Easter posts below, and at my Easter Products!


Don’t forget to download your template:

Click here to download template (1)-min

Peep Template

Related: How to Make a Bunny Puppet with Template

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Easter Bunny Peep Craft -min