Witch’s Brew Cauldron Halloween Craft for Kids

Make Halloween fun and exciting with this simple witch’s brew cauldron Halloween craft.

Witch's Brew Cauldron Halloween Craft for Kids (1)-min


Who doesn’t love a good smoky cauldron for Halloween? I thought this craft was so cute. I don’t know why because you don’t really describe cauldrons as cute, but that’s what came to mind when I saw this.

This craft is simple! I have the template, but you can certainly draw out the pieces and cut them out on your own.

AND if you have other things around your house that you’d like to add to your cauldron, go on ahead. You could decorate it with buttons, spiders, spider webs, cotton balls, stickers, etc… I’m sure witches have all kinds of crazy stuff in their brews.

Here’s how we did it.

Looking for more Halloween games, crafts and activities? Click here.

Halloween Games Halloween Games Halloween Games


Cauldron Template (or you can draw on yourself. You’ll need bubbles, a witches brew sign, cauldron, eyeballs and bones)

Cauldron Craft Supplies


Color the pieces of the witch’s brew. Whatever colors you want. There are eyeballs, bones, and bubbly bubbles. 

Color the parts

Cut out all the pieces.

Halloween Cauldron Craft

Glue everything onto the cauldron however you wish. Make it your own.

Halloween Cauldron Craft

Hang it up in your home for a fun Halloween decoration.

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Witch's Brew Cauldron Halloween Craft for Kids (1)-min